Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, April 9th, 2020, 8:00 AM

Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, April 9th, 2020, 8:00 AM

San Andreas Sanitary District
April 9, 2020 8:00 A.M.
675 Gold Oak, San Andreas, CA

1. Call Meeting to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Pledge of Allegiance:
4. Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes total for each subject matter
5. Approval of Minutes:a. Regular Meeting March 12, 20206. Financial Report:
a. Income / Expense
b. Claim Summary
c. Budget Review
d. Cash Flow
e. Investments / Loans

7. Manager’s Report:
a. Operations & Maintenance Report
b. Safety Report
c. WWTP Upgrade Project Update
d. Sewer Pipe Replacement Project Update
8. Communications:
a. Covid19 Impacts to District and Staff
b. New Connection, Capacity Fee at 9 Tuner Court
c. Allen’s Second Structure, Commercial Property
9. New Business:
a. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Resolution 2020-02, calling for General District Election, consolidated with Calaveras County for November 3, 2020
b. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of revisions to Policy 4000 to clarify Directors are compensated as employees, per IRS requirement, and adjusting the compensation for meeting attendance
c. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of revisions to Policy 2510: Treatment Plant Operator job description
d. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Policy 2520: Maintenance Mechanic job description
10. Closed Session:
i. Agency Representative: District Manager Hugh Logan
ii. Unrepresented Employees: All Employees except District Manager

11. Return from Closed Session: Public Disclosure of any reportable action taken in Closed Session
12. New Business, Continued:
a. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of organization chart, salary schedule, and the related policies that support employee benefits for fiscal year 2020/21
13. Old Business:
14. District Counsel Comments:
15. Director Reports and Comments: Opportunity for Directors to update the full Board with any Committee Reports or with other Comments
16. Next Meetings:
a. Regular Board Meeting Thursday May 14, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.
17. Plant Tour Opportunity: Tour of Upgrade Project Site
18. Adjournment: