Wastewater Collection System
San Andreas Sanitary District maintains 98,078 feet of Sewer Pipes, which is 18.58 miles. In the Wastewater Community, this network of pipes is referred to as the Collection System. Throughout the community of San Andreas, the Collection System pipes range in diameter from 3-inch lateral lines all the way up to 24-inch trunk lines. Maintaining this vast network of pipes is a large responsibility.
In summer 2022, San Andreas Sanitary District (SASD/District) initiated the Collection System Project, or sewer replacement project, to replace specific portions of the collection system. In total 3,971 feet of 6- to 10-inch sewer mains were upgraded to 8- to 12-inch mains, and realigned where necessary, along San Andreas Creek between Treat Avenue and Pixley Avenue. Twenty-one manways were also replaced along the sewer main lines. The Engineer Certificate of Final Completion was issued December 2023. The District completed landscape restoration Fall 2023.
The upgraded collection system will ensure the system operates efficiently and will reduce the risk of sewer blockages. The District received significant grant funding from California Clean Water Drinking Program State Revolving Fund to complete the approximate $5.3M project.
If you locate a sewer leak or overflow, unusual odors or any other sewer related issue that does not seem normal, please call our main office at (209) 754-3281. We have a 24-hour answering service that will contact one of our Operators anytime, day or night.
Collection System Network by the Numbers:
3 – 188
4 -10,560
6 – 63,146
8- 16,236
12- 4,279
Unknown – 977
Total LENGTH (Ft) 98,078
Cement – 50,298
Concrete – 25,589
HDPE – 996
PVC – 3,558
Unknown – 17,367
Total LENGTH (Ft) – 98,078