Collection Systems Project

San Andreas Sanitary District is pleased to announce that construction crews have been working diligently to complete the time-sensitive work of installing creek crossings along San Andreas Creek. The construction team has successfully met the U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife permit deadline of November 1, 2022. This accomplishment marks the 50 percent mark of the construction project.

Pipeline and manhole construction will continue from Pixley Avenue to Main Street, Main Street to California Street, and California Street to Treat Avenue. Weather permitting, all pipe installation will be complete by the end of the year. Landscape restoration will extend into early 2023, and again will be driven by the weather.

The District extends its gratitude to the community for its support and patience as we work to complete this essential project to better serve our San Andreas customers.

View the photo gallery below.

Questions may be directed to the office at or email Hugh Logan, general manager at

Check back frequently for project updates!