Regular Board Meeting, July 13th, 2017, 6:00 PM

Regular Board Meeting, July 13th, 2017, 6:00 PM


San Andreas Sanitary District

July 13, 2017       6:00 P.M.

Regular Meeting

675 Gold Oak, San Andreas, CA 95249

  1. Call Meeting to Order:
  2. Roll Call:
  3. Pledge of Allegiance:
  4. Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes for each subject matter
  5. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Special Meeting June 8, 2017
    2. Regular Meeting June 8, 2017
  6. Old Business:
  7. Financial Report:
    1. Claim Summary #702
    2. Investments / Loans
  8. Manager’s Report:
    1. Operations & Maintenance Report
    2. Safety Report
    3. Project Update (verbal)
  9. Communications:
    1. Director email
    2. Residential and Commercial rate
      1. Discussion and Possible Board Action:  Approval of amended Policy 3160: Credit Card Usage
      2. Discussion and Possible Board Action:  Approval of amended Policy 3110: Expense Authorization
      3. Discussion and Possible Action: Approval of Transfer of Funds from Cash-General account to the North Fork loan account in the amount of $50,000 and authorize twice/annual loan payments in the coming year (Nov 2017, May 2018) in amount not exceeding $50,000
      4. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Authorize purchase of new F250 thru Ford Fleet Purchasing; and declare surplus of 1997 F250 and authorize Manager to sell
      5. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Update report from District Engineer
      6. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Consideration of Proposal for Consulting Services from Stantec for Wastewater Plant Upgrade Project (SRF)New Business
  10. Closed Session:
  11. Return from Closed Session: Public Discloser of any reportable action taken in Closed Session
  12. District Counsel Comments:
  13. Directors Comments:
  14. Next Meetings:
    1. Regular Board Meeting Wednesday August 10, 2017
  15. Adjournment: