Regular Board Meeting August 9, 2018, 6:00 PM

Regular Board Meeting August 9, 2018, 6:00 PM


San Andreas Sanitary District

August 9, 2018       6:00 P.M. Regular Meeting

675 Gold Oak, San Andreas, CA

      1. Call Meeting to Order:
      2. Roll Call:
      3. Pledge of Allegiance:
      4. Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes for each subject matter
      5. Approval of Minutes:
        1. July 12, 2018
      6. Financial Report:
        1. Claim Summary
        2. Income / Expense
        3. Investments / Loans
        4. Cash Flow
      7. Manager’s Report:
        1. Operations & Maintenance Report
        2. Safety Report
        3. Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Update
        4. Sewer Pipe Replacement Project Update
      8. Communications:
      9. New Business:
        1. Discussion and Possible Board Action:   Receive update concerning District’s Tentative Waste Discharge Permit from Regional Board for 2018-2023
        2. Discussion and Possible Board Action:   Receive update concerning District’s Summer Maintenance Projects
        3. Discussion and Possible Board Action:   Approval of Resolution 2018-13 to Award Contract in amount of $223,570 (Two Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars) to Ford Construction, as the lowest responsive bidder for the Pond D Improvements contract State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project, contingent on approval from State Water Resources Control Board
        4. Discussion and Possible Board Action:    Consideration of revisions to Policy 3020 Portable Toilets
        5. Discussion and Possible Board Action:   Approve Resolution 2018-14 to Amend and Adopt SASD Policy Manual
        6. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Resolution 2018-15 to establish Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the San Andreas Fire District for the use of Real Property for Fire Protection Training
      10. Old Business:
      11. Closed Session:
            • Initiation of litigation pursuant to Paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: one (1) case.
      12. Return from Closed Session: Public Disclosure of any reportable action taken in Closed Session
      13. District Counsel Comments:
      14. Director Reports and Comments: Opportunity for Directors to update the full Board with any committee Reports or with other Comments
      15. Next Meetings:
        1. Regular Board Meeting September 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
      16. Adjournment: