Schedule of Fees and Charges, Effective July 1st, 2017

Schedule of Fees and Charges, Effective July 1st, 2017


Schedule of Fees and Charges

Effective as of July 1, 2017

Application Administration Fee – Ordinance Section 4.3                                   $500.00

The Application Administration Fee is a nonrefundable fee to cover the District’s cost of the initial review and processing of an application for connection to the District’s Sewer System. District costs might include staff time to research existing EDU commitment for property, research delinquent fees and charges for property, gathering background information on project.  Application Administration Fee might also include initial legal/engineering review of application.   Application Administration Fee may be higher for large complex projects.


Connection Fee – Ordinance Section 4.6                                                              $800.00

The Connection Fee covers the District’s cost of inspecting the actual connection of a new user, or expanded use, to the District’s collection system. The Connection Fee for a 4 inch diameter connection is $800.  The Connection Fee for larger diameter connections is determined on a case by case situation taking into consideration the size of the connection and the complexity of the connection, e.g. is bypass pumping required, is reconstruction of manhole required, etc..


Capacity Charge – Ordinance Section 4.7                                                             $57.69/gallon,

and varies for commercial customers based on type of use

The Capacity Charge varies, depending on the type of use and the estimated wastewater flow the use will be discharging to the District’s systems. For commercial customers, the estimated wastewater flow is calculated using the unit flowrates shown in Table 1A of Ordinance No. 8, or estimated by other methods as allowed for in Section 4.7D of Ordinance No. 8.  For residential customers, the wastewater flow is assigned as 90 gallons/bedroom.   The Capacity Charge is determined by multiplying the wastewater flow, in gallons per day, times the unit rate of $57.69 per gallon per day.  For commercial customers, twelve months after connection to the District’s system, the Capacity Charge may be adjusted up or down, based upon the uses actual daily water consumption as provided for in Section 4.7E of Ordinance No. 8.


Sewer Extension Application Fee – Ordinance Section 10.2                            $1,000.00

The Sewer Extension Application Fee applies when an extension of the SASD collection system is required to service a new user (as opposed to a new user that can extend a service lateral to connect directly to an existing SASD Collection System line along the frontage of the new user’s property). Similar to, but separate from the Application Administration Fee, the Sewer Extension Application Fee covers the District’s initial cost to review and process an application to extend the District’s collection system to service a new user.


Sewer Extension Plan Check Fee – Ordinance Section 10.5B  Initial Deposit $2,500.00

The Plan Check Fee is addressed in the Sewer Extension Agreement and covers the District’s and consultant’s cost to review and approve the sewer extension improvement plans and specifications for conformance with the District’s Ordinance and design standards. This fee is determined on a case by case basis based upon the size, complexity and location of the sewer extension.


Portable Toilet Permit Fee – Ordinance Section 3.4C                                            $12.00

The Portable Toilet Permit Fee covers the District’s costs associated with reviewing and processing an application for portable toilets used at a temporary event in the community.


Sewer Extension Inspection Fee – Ordinance Section 10.5J                                              Varies

The Sewer Extension Inspection Fee is addressed in the Sewer Extension Agreement and covers the District’s and consultant’s cost to inspect the construction of the sewer extension for conformance with the District’s Ordinance and design standards, and the District approved improvement plans and specifications. This fee is determined on a case by case basis based upon the size and complexity of the sewer extension construction.  The minimum initial Sewer Extension Sewer Extension Inspection Fee is 5% of the Engineer’s estimate of the cost of construction, per the District’s Ordinance.


Sewer Disconnection Fee – Ordinance Section 8.9                                                            Varies

The Sewer Disconnection Fee covers the District’s actual out of pocket cost to physically disconnect a sewer service from the District’s collection system for nonpayment of bills. Fee is determined on a case by case basis.


Annexation Processing Fee – Ordinance Section 12.4A           Initial Deposit $2,500.00

The Annexation Processing Fee covers the District’s and its consultant’s initial cost to review and process an application to annex a new property into the District. Additional fees and charges associated with the actual annexation process would be covered in the Annexation Agreement.