December 2014 SASD News
New Staff
We are happy to welcome Hugh Logan as District Manager. Hugh and his wife, Sheri, moved to Valley Springs earlier this year and have six children and two grandkids. Hugh is a Grade V Operator, a Grade 2 Water Operator, a certified Project Management Professional, a certified Instructor, and is an advisor to the State Water Resources Control Board. He enjoys boating on Lake Hogan and fishing the Sierra streams.
Erik Hamann has come on board as an Operator-In-Training. Erik is a long-time resident of San Andreas and brings a wealth of experience with plumbing, carpentry, and mechanical abilities. He is participating with wastewater coursework from Sacramento State and will be taking his certification exam in April. You’ll see a lot of Erik on the streets as he helps run the Jetter and Vactor equipment used to clean the sewer lines.
Winter Office Hours
We are adjusting our office hours for a few months this winter. Beginning January 20th, our office will be open for business from 8:30 till 3:30, Monday thru Thursday. These hours allow us to perform the necessary preventive maintenance in the plant and sewer system, while minimizing impact due to a planned staffing shortage. In March, we’ll re-evaluate these hours and will keep you posted with changes.
Please remember we have a secure drop box at the main gate. We’ll also add a drop box outside the office door, in case the gate is open but the office is closed when you get here. Thank you for understanding.