Regular Board Meeting, February 14th, 2019, 6:00 PM

Regular Board Meeting, February 14th, 2019, 6:00 PM


San Andreas Sanitary District

Thursday February 14, 2019     6:00 P.M.

Regular Meeting

675 Gold Oak, San Andreas, CA


  1. Call Meeting to Order:
  2. Roll Call:
  3. Pledge of Allegiance:
  4. Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes for each subject matter
  5. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Regular Meeting January 10, 2019
  6. Financial Report:
    1. Claim Summary
    2. Income / Expense
    3. Investments / Loans
    4. Cash Flow
  7. Manager’s Report:
    1. Operations & Maintenance Report
    2. Safety Report
    3. Wastewater Plant Upgrade Project update
    4. Sewer Pipe Replacement Project update
  8. Communications:
    1. Calaveras Public Power Agency electrical cost savings
    2. JPIA Special Recognition Awards: Workers Comp and Liability Programs
  9. New Business:
    1. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Resolution 2019-02, Amending 2018/19 Fiscal Year Budget
    2. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Adoption of Resolution 2019-03, Establishing a Post-Employment Benefits Trust (OPEB) Administered by the firm ‘Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS)’, with US Bank as the Trustee, and appointing the District Manager as the Plan Administrator to sign the Agreement and other documents to support the program with PARS
    3. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Adoption of Resolution 2019-04, Authorizing District Manager to establish US Bank as Trustee for OPEB, and to enter Agreement with High Mark Capital Management, adopting Moderate Risk Tolerance, with initial deposit of $64,364 for the current Fiscal Year 2018/19.
    4. Discussion Only:   Discussion of Proposed Sewer Rates for FY 2019/20, and announcing a Public Hearing to be scheduled for March 14th.
  10. Old Business:
  11. District Counsel Comments
  12. Director Reports and Comments: Opportunity for Directors to update the full Board with any Committee Reports or with other Comments
  13. Next Meetings:
    1. Regular Board Meeting Thursday March 14, 2019 at 6:00 pm
  14. Adjournment