September 19, 2016 6:00PM Special Board Meeting Agenda

September 19, 2016 6:00PM Special Board Meeting Agenda


1. Call Meeting to Order:

2. Roll Call:

3. Pledge of Allegiance:

4. Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes for each subject matter

5. Approval of Minutes:

a. Meeting August 17, 2016

6. Financial Report:

a. Claim Summary #692

b. Income & Expense

c. Investments / Loans

d. Past Due Accounts

e. Surplus Property Update (verbal report)

f. SRF Grants and Reimbursements (verbal report)

7. Manager’s Report:

a. Operations & Maintenance Report

b. Safety Report

8. Communications:

a. Elementary School

b. Board Election Update

c. Oak Shadows Mobile Home Park

d. County Tax Collections

e. Hwy 49 Corridor Study


9. New Business:

     a. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approve Resolution 2016-12 to Amend District Bylaws to change the date for regular meeting.

     b. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approve Resolution 2016-13 to Amend District Bylaws to appoint District Manager as the Treasurer.

     c. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Receive update from Manager concerning fleet management, including scheduled replacement of critical equipment.

     d. Discussion and Possible Board Action: Receive update from Manager concerning grant application for State Revolving Fund and status of Rate Study analysis.

10. Old Business:

     a. Discussion: Real Property discussions (Neilson)

11. District Counsel Comments:

12. Directors Comments:

13. Next Meeting:

a. Regular Board Meeting Thursday October 13, 2016 (Note: if Bylaw changes approved)

14. Adjournment: