Regular Board Meeting July 12th, 2018, 6:00 PM
San Andreas Sanitary District
July 12, 2018, 6:00 P.M. Regular Meeting
675 Gold Oak, San Andreas, CA
- Call Meeting to Order:
- Roll Call:
- Pledge of Allegiance:
- Public Comments: 3 Minutes per person; 20 minutes for each subject matter
- Approval of Minutes:
- Special Meeting on June 28, 2018
- Financial Report:
- Claim Summary
- Income / Expense
- Investments / Loans
- Cash Flow
- Manager’s Report:
- Operations & Maintenance Report
- Safety Report
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Update
- Sewer Pipe Replacement Project Update
- Communications: CPUD Rate Increase Notification
- New Business:
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Consideration of Resolution 2018-09, requesting the Calaveras County Auditor-Controller to place delinquent and/or unpaid charges on the county tax rolls when requested by the District
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Public Hearing concerning Resolution 2018-10 requesting the Calaveras County Auditor-Controller to place delinquent and/or unpaid charges listed on Exhibit A on the 2018-2019 county tax rolls and authorizing the Calaveras County Treasurer-Tax Collector to collect delinquent charges for the San Andreas Sanitary District
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Consideration of Resolution 2018-11, approving District policy 4000 for Reimbursement of Expenses and Director Compensation
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Consideration of Resolution 2018-12, approving Task Order with Control Point Engineering for SCADA and PLC services during construction phase of the Wastewater Upgrade Project (SRF/USDA) in amount not-to-exceed $271,611 with 10% contingency based on Manager approval
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Legal Services Agreement with Neumiller and Beardslee in compliance with USDA Rural Utilities requirements for Loans and Grants
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Approval of Open Purchase Orders for Fiscal Year 2018/19 in total amount Not-To-Exceed $102,000.
- Old Business: Portable Toilets discussion continued
- Closed Session:
- Initiation of litigation pursuant to Paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: one (1) case.
- Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: one (1) case.Closed Session:
- Return from Closed Session: Public Disclosure of any reportable action taken in Closed Session
- Discussion and Possible Board Action: Adoption of Amendment #1 to Annexation Agreement (2009) with Calaveras County concerning monthly sewer charge for Jail facility
- Director Reports and Comments: Opportunity for Directors to update the full Board with any committee Reports or with other Comments
- District Counsel Comments:
- Next Meetings:
- Regular Board Meeting: August 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm
- Adjournment: